Christmas Music

Today has had two focusses. Music and Christmas. And some Christmas music too....

We started the day with her doing lots of dancing in her room, then some final clarinet practise. We'd collected her bike yesterday after it's pre-winter service and spruce up. She was very excited to cycle to church this morning - it's like a whole new bike!

It being the first Sunday of advent, the leader called on the children for a volunteer to light the first candle. She threw her hand up and stood on a bench to be chosen. After church they had their singing and band practise. The leader came out and told me that they were sounding absolutely beautiful. Katie's excited that she's the one holding the melody.

Straight from church we headed to Bs. Katie had a clarinet exam. After just over 10months of learning, my little girl achieved a distinction at Grade 2! I heard her play and she did really well of picking herself up after a flustered scale and was brilliant. She was very proud of herself. B was super pleased with her, I adored seeing her massive grins that she got the distinction she really wanted. I said we could pop to choose her some lunch from the bakery. We walked past Neros who were giving out salted caramel hot chocolate for free, cream, sprinkles and everything. She was particularly pleased.

She had a play in her room when we got back. She immediately wanted to put on her Christmas skirt and hat. Supposedly she then went for some "quiet time". She got out her recorder and played that, before going onto her piano exam work!

She was very excited to head out for the Town Lights Turn On. There were donkeys, Mary, Joseph, carols, chocolate, matching band, choirs, a procession and of course the lighting of the town trees as the procession moved through the town. We ended the day with chip shop chippies and a Christmas movie! A busy but great day "off".

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