We made it

These gorgeous girlies, their teachers and us stressed out mama chaperones have made it..... we've got them "cast rehearsal-ready". I am particularly very proud of my girl today. A step combination has been kicking her butt and it's been upsetting her. Tonight she cracked it. Over and over again. Her principal came up to me with a huge grin, delighted for her- "she's got it!". Wasn't a patch on the grin bursting out of every bit of katie. Her entire body smiled. She's really been fretting about this step- the teachers had noticed she changed whenever the dance it was in came along. And she just bounced when she realised she has sorted it. The principal called them all over for a pep talk and group hug at the end. Here ends the "studio rehearsal" phase of panto.

Tomorrow.... well, tomorrow they meet the cast and start rehearsals on site. Here we go!

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