One After The Other - pet shop sign

My entry for Mono Monday  with thanks to TheAphid for hosting.

There were fascinating blip entries for the Derelict Sunday Challenge and my hearts, in no particular order, go to:
muddyshoes  for  Bradford Mill which is ripe for conversion
freespiral for yet another of her inspiring open doors - her curiosity does get her into the most amazing places and if you haven't visited her blog then it is a treat in store... She also put in Gnarly but I can't give her two hearts even though she deserves them!
CatchitwhenIcan 's seat for reflection
Teasel  for her frost bitten dying sunflower   and
Alan_Roger for his unseaworthy rowing boat

Honourable mentions go to:
TreeHugger for his double decker down under
evolybab  for 'all pouffed out' for want of a caster

And evolybab will be taking over hosting for DS59 next Sunday
bless her!

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