High speed wet dog (Day 566)

We had a very enjoyable evening with my folks last night, and it seems that they enjoyed their time in Amsterdam.
This morning's wander up the hill with the dogs was lovely in the first light of dawn. The air was chilly but there was little wind.
I trundled to Stromness later to exterminate a leak, then dropped in to Mum and Dad's to sort a bit of pipework which was about to leak.
I was back home in time to head out to Aikerness with my beautiful wife and the dogs. The dogs spent a lot of time racing in and out of the sea, chasing elusive seals. I liked this picture of Sigyn racing past us, but struggled to choose between it and the extras.
After dog walking, it was back into working clothes and a trip into town for bits. It is good to be busy again.

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