
A day of domestic chores, enlivened with some holiday bookings for next year!  A couple of hours was wasted spent in the kitchen slaving over today's lunch, red pepper and butternut squash soup.  What a load of faffing around, first charring then skinning the peppers, before simmering everything for 20 minutes, then liquidising the lot.  Have to admit, it tasted pretty good, although a tad heavy on the chilli for me.  Plenty left for three more meals, so more space needed in the freezer!  Just as well I'm using up something that was already in there from last week for my evening meal.

Two self-catering cottage holidays booked - one in Aultbea in June and the other in Dunvegan on Skye in September, so plenty to look forward to.
Must remember to book Simba into the cattery, but don't tell him that:-)

He didn't want to go out in the rain today so has spent most of the time curled up on the settee and I just caught him as he was waking up here.  He'll do very nicely for an Emergency Blip:-)

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