Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

The Goldfinch

Bailey and her mum came to take Archie out today - he hasn't seen them for ages, as the ear splitting barking between Bailey in the car and Archie at the gate testified. They went a long walk up the Braids Hills, where Archie re-discovered his penchant for horse poo... and was sick in the car on the way home. I shall remind him of this aberration when he tries to nuzzle his muzzle under my chin in the middle of the night.

JR had to pop into town to pick up an item she ordered yesterday. I was keen to go too, to try out my new (iPhone7) camera. But I'm really not ready for town and crowds yet, as I learned yesterday, but then forgot. I can't manage too far on one walking stick. Besides, it was too early for the blue hour - and I certainly wasn't hanging around till then.

We had a cuppa in the Gallery cafe, and popped in to see The Goldfinch painting. For all the fuss, it's a surprisingly small painting, but all the more enchanting. I quite enjoyed the book, and the painting is only here for a few weeks.

The camera was great - I could zoom in, 2x digital and 10x optical... or was the other way around... There was a skylight directly above us, shedding too much light on the top of the man's head, but I could do nothing about that. I didn't take any photos outside - too awkward with a walking stick.

We got a delivery of firewood and smokeless coal this evening. That should last us a while, depending on how cold the winter is. And Archie was still with Bailey, so it was done without being accompanied by hysterical barking.

I'm very pleased to have at last discovered, by pure luck, how to play my music on the TV speakers, which are surround sound and should be used. I've tried many many times before, and each time it cryptically asks for the 'TV passcode'. I couldn't remember ever setting a 'TV passcode', so I just tried various numbers, but today I just happened to turn round at the right time to see a passcode displayed on the TV screen. Result!

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