To Norway and Beyond


Fylkesmuseum Round 2

I read on the web that the museum was having a big family day today so I figured it would be a really good opportunity to learn a bit about the region, see some neat things, and of course take a good blip!

It did not disappoint for sure. The museum is an outdoor museum made up of a series of buildings from around the area that were moved and restored, with different exhibits inside the various buildings. They had a miniature model of the old downtown circa 1907 that you could walk around. It was remarkably similar to what's still there today so it felt eerily similar; like you were a giant.

They also had a market with fresh food and crafts from locals. The artillery came and shot off some cannons, there were activities for kids like building a car and archery with real tools and minimal supervision (which I said would have been considered far too dangerous in Canada for children to do). I'd never shot an arrow before so I waited patiently around with other kids for my turn. I most definitely want to take up archery now!

They had a series of this old style houses in one section where they were also showing sheep-shearing. The grass on the roof kept the turf down and was good for insulation. The lower portion of this building was used as a food storage area, and as it was propped up off the ground with only the stone steps leading in it was very difficult for mice to get in. We went in this one and they're extremely sturdy and remarkably cool inside.

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