Oman Day 3

We set off early, as we had a long day of driving ahead. We stopped a few times, once for a short walk at Wadi Tiwa, and also at a fishing village near Sur where we visited a place making traditional dhows. All the workers come from southern India. About half the population here us 'guest' workers, from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia. They do the low-paid jobs it seems. Oman (well the sultan) is very prosperous owing to oil. The infrastructure was good - no holes in the roads like home.

The picture is Wadi Shab.

Eventually we reached our camp, which was up on sand dunes on the Arabian Sea. It was very windy so I had to wear my ski goggles to ensure I didn't get sand in my contact lens, which would have been very painful.

We have plenty of drinking water and the cooks have made wonderful food. Obviously there is no water for washing ourselves, but it is a dry heat, so I don't feel too skanky.

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