Hanging on.

Another day spent with Friend whilst youngest daughter went for a walk and an appointment. I arrived at 11.30 after hanging my washing out and printing out photos of Friend  and Vegan Jo together  in happier times for Friend to use as a birthday card. One I took of them after a swim in the sea on  Friends  own 50th birthday  3 years ago and our girly time at Port Eliot Literary Festival. It felt bittersweet to look at them. 
 Friend had just had a bit of toast and marmite - lucky I had brought dessert to make! Eggy toast with maple syrup and icing sugar! Party Girl was going to call in with a joint gift for Vegan Jo who actually  hit 50 today - Friend had bought the card for them both to sign but Youngest had unfortunately sealed the envelope on the first card so  I had to steam it open. Steamed envelopes never look quite right after being steamed open and resealed! 
When Party Girl arrived we found ourselves talking about Vegetarian cheese! We thought any cheese  was fine if not using animal rennet but then up came the issue of how the cows, sheep and goats  were kept - seems  not even goats are  free roaming over hilly pastures! So many things to find out about the food one eats to make sure they do not run contrary to one's ethics - or due I mean values/principles?!! 
Party Girl left soon after to do the ebay /amazon packing for her partners business and Friend fell asleep. I was just about to do the same when Vegan Jo and her husband arrived! They had been for a birthday walk on the moors. Seems the restaurant a group of us are going to thursday evening before seeing a film is vegetarian/vegan and they produce their own cheese and sell it! So I shall have to sample some! Vegan Jo's husband says they are all disgusting and Jo has just forgotten what good cheese tastes like! 
Friend fell asleep again and as they were able to stay with her I left to do the chicken lock up. Took me ages to catch Felicity and Fiona for their second jab - they knew I was after them and would not go in the coop for easy grabbing! Another beautiful sunset with the sky turning a peachy colour so I didn't mind!

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