
By anita

Lovely Lottie

Had a really lovely day today with some great friends.

Spent the morning trying to do too much at home and managed to break the washing machine somehow!

Headed 'down sarf' to Nina and Timmy's for brunch with Bibs. Frannie n lil zoe and the husband.

The spread was of very high standard and a lovely change from the three courses of curries that we have become accustomed to on our travels. My particular favourite combo was the freshly made pancakes with crispy bacon drizzled with maple syrup.....yum!

My resolution for being a proper vegetarian again goes out of the window in these situations!

The little ladies were also totally scrumptious, little Lottie here doing here very entertaining finger wagging whilst feeding herself with raspberries. What a total sweetie she is now a proper litle girl and the lovely Zoe who also I had some lovely shots of. The cutest one of Zoe was when she was trying to hug Napoleon (fluffy Ginger cat) and even gave him a smaker on the cat lips! Not sure who was more shocked Nappy, Zoe or Fran and I who were watching on in hysterics.

Very nice day....going to miss these events alot when we head off to Madrid!

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