Playing in sunshine

About 11.00 I looked out to see the sun streaming through the trees and quickly walked across to the loch, I haven't been over here for months. I'm trying to come off auto and signed up for a course with Emma Davies at the weekend and spent time looking at A S and ISO. Today was too soon but had to go over to a bright light to play around with the three (please bear in mind the module isn't finished yet, I wouldn't like this shot to reflect on Emma, I think pulling the three together is the next video). Anyway what a great time looking at the difference, in the end choosing this shot although the foreground is dark. In the extra I have shown a similar shot but noticed the blue sky and clouds didn't look the same. Also in the extra one of the reflections is the sun shining on a tractor, the light bouncing onto the water in a sharp verticle line. A S and ISO are beginning to make sense, Emma's delivery is clear and presented in short videos with text to back it up. I'm waiting for the workbook to arrive from Amazon.

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