Know tha onions

the onion crop (measly as it is, due to me doing more "organising building" than gardening this year) is lifted and drying in the sun. Some years it rains so much I'm worried that everything will go mouldy, this year I'm worried that it will cook....

Another day of blistering heat today, which I'm not complaining about at all. I'm spending the day with a head full of memories....someone who I have worked closely with died last week and I was informed about it yesterday. Since then it's been hard to think about much else. Some people, as I hope you know, are just fun to be with and allow you to be yourself. Some people don't make assumptions about you and project all their stuff on you and expect things you can't be - they just enjoy who you are and are uncomplicated. It was a pleasure to spend time working on a project with someone like that - and someone so knowledgable and interesting too. In the obituary he is described as "irreplaceable" and, on so many levels, there's no other way of describing it. I know that all of us are unique and irreplaceable but some people seem to leave a bigger hole than others.....funny how you don't notice that until it happens.

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