Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A Monty Python fan?

I was quite very extremely glad that I didn't have to get up and go to work this morning. I feel a bit jaded. Wonder why...

JR headed off to work not looking jaded at all. But not before she gave me instructions about how to make the bread she'd started yesterday. I did it and I'm just eating it now, in the afternoon, and its delicious. I had better stop or there will be none left. Easy peasy 'no knead' bread that G in Sydney showed us.

While the oven was heating up, I set off for my half hour on the torture machine cross trainer. The sore calves have just about recovered from the last spell on it.

Then I spent an hour ringing up tilers. We had an incident with the shower when we were away, but I didn't mention it in my blips in case you got all stressed. :-] But some tiles on the floor of the shower cracked, and needed immediate sealing. Thank goodness Uncle A was on hand and got it sorted. So we'll re-do the whole shower cubicle - it's looking a little tired.

Popped down to see Uncle A and then took the bus into town. It was a beautiful sunny day and the High Street was mobbed again. This chap didn't seem to realise that his parrot was not alive. It was dead. I didn't have the heart to tell him - he was so cheerful.

There was a huge Indian wedding at the City Chambers. All the older women in lovely saris, the younger ones in short brightly coloured dresses, and the men in kilts.

On the way back - oh what is this? Yes, it's the frozen yoghurt shop, my new treat of choice. It's just delicious, and you can gobble eat it without stopping, as you don't get an ice cream headache.

The dozens of Festival Folk in the flat upstairs all seem to be smokers. And they all stand at the main door, puffing away, and then chuck their fag ends down on the footpath just at the front door! How disgusting inconsiderate. I have asked a couple of times, and swept it up, but they just carry on.

So yesterday I put a tin with some soil in it at the door, and put the discarded fag ends in it, to demonstrate. They use it as a general rubbish bin now.

I can go two ways. I can say
"Those people are making me very mad"

or I can say
"I am choosing to NOT let those people make me very mad"

So I'm concentrating on the latter, and just pick out the rubbish each time I pass.

You can't make a silk purse out of a dead parrot!

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