The. Perfect. Friday.

An early start taking Christmas lessons at school with my friend Matt. He made me wear my Christmas jumper. I hate to sound like bah humbug but these were year 7 kids and I was surprised to hear about the range of things they had in their advent calendars this year: lego, make-up and yankee candles. I hate that rampant consumerism has now taken over every part of Christmas.

Super fun at Mary Webb with Ellie and our brilliant young people. I think this is definitely the highlight of my week now - I adore those kids. One of our trustees lives just opposite the school so we joined them for a lovely lunch after school: a lovely, warming homemade soup and my first mince pie of the season.

A quick trip to the library to get some books for the weekend. Thanks to my new project, I get to enjoy books like this for work and pleasure. I think I love this book already. So simple and free from nutritionist jargon.

Then off to Groove Cottage via Tanners for our favourite beer. We have a weekend of rest, books and good food ahead.

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