Cockney mumblings

There's been a lot of filming in Shrewsbury today, which caused a pleasant distraction from work for a while. We hung out of the window this afternoon to try and work out what they're filming and the only thing I could make out over the cockney mumblings was that it might be 'Junk in your Attic' or 'Cheap-tat Hunt'. However, with no sign of the orange glow of Dickenson, we are none the wiser.

We were all much relieved that the assembly this morning went well. Better than expected even. Moral of the story: always trust a genius.

Then we had the excitement of a box full of Gospel Choir CDs being delivered. I'm surprised nobody was injured as we all jabbed at the box with scissors in our desperation to get into it.

The afternoon was spent faffing about in a tired-induced daze while SS did all the work. Quick coffee with CS in the lovely HTH after work. Tell me it's nearly Spring?

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