Christmas Lights Going Up

It's been a lovely calm day, beautiful sunny morning and a fine afternoon.  Lovely calm and clear evening too.  

I've been working in the museum office this morning, and more scanning to be done.  I also had to nip out with more photo orders.  After lunch, I was in the museum, and a fairly quiet afternoon.  There's a staff shortage tonight, so I'm on all night in the museum too.  Lerwick Port Authority are in tonight for a Christmas meal, so it may be late!  I'm using my time wisely tonight, and scanning in old photos I got from auntie Binnie last night :)

I had to nip home at lunchtime, forgot some photos from aunt Binnie.  I grabbed some lunch and then went for a quick walk around the village, before heading back to work.  As I came around the village square, the Christmas tree was up, and rustling come from the branches!  Thankfully it was only Alan Inkster, and he was busy putting the lights on the tree.  The poor Lerwick tree is getting bad press just, this one will be way better :)  Taken in the village square, Scalloway. 

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