Lighting Up Da Street

Showers for the morning, but it cleared to a dry afternoon and evening.  A cold breeze in the air.

It's my weekend on in the museum, and it's been a busy day on the desk.  There was a new art exhibition up, and also another pop up exhibition with an artist in our learning room.  I've had a house full of folk this evening, they all popped by for a cuppa after the street light up, in much need to warm up.  There's also live music in the pub later, but thankfully I'm not working.

Lerwick had it's Christmas light up today, and also Scalloway.  The street was buzzing with folk, and everyone in Christmas cheer.  Mulled wine, soup and sandwiches, Santa appeared, and some Christmas carols too.  Hopefully it'll become bigger and better each year, this was a first for Scalloway.  This is looking down Main Street, but more shops had light at the other side, and also a stunning Christmas tree, which was too crowed to get a good photo.  

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