All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Return of the troublesome twosome!

Hubbie and I thought we'd have a nice lie-in this morning since Ethan and Eden were staying over at Granny & Grandpas house again last night. Typically though I woke at 6.30am, managed to doze for another hour but by 8am we were both wide awake and hubbie was giving me a lesson on our new ipad!

We then went down The Centre to book our summer 2013 holiday. We're going to Crete for 10 days so really looking forward to that. Just as well we did it without Ethan in tow though as even though we knew exactly what hotel we wanted and on what dates, it still took an hour to get booked.

When we got back, Granny & Grandpa had returned with the kids. They stayed for lunch before taking Eden home to Bathgate.

We then went to order new carpets - we're getting most of the house recarpeted so feeling very skint now!

Decided to go back to the carvery at Bathgate for dinner and then popped in to see the Foreveryoungs before home for bed.

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