All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The tickle monster

Ethan had a reallt grumpy day today. Started crying at 4.30am although we didn't get him up till an hour later. Still far too early though. He has been constantly dribbling for the past few days and isn't quite himself, so I wonder if he has more teeth on the way.

His swimming class went ok apart from one section which he hated and he had a meltdown. Not good in the middle of the pool!

He then slept in the car while we drove to East Kilbride where we were meeting my friends ex and their daughter Hannah, who was up staying with her Dad for the holidays. We haven't seen Hannah for just over a year and wow she's so grown up now! Doesn't seem that long since she was calling my hubbie the tickle monster yet now she was being the tickle monster herself! At least it had grumpy Ethan in fits of giggles though! He had great fun bouncing up and down on the trampoline with her!

He slept in the car on the way home too and survived a quick trip round Sainsburys. Got home to discover hubbie had his chefs hat on again. He's being very adventurous with his cooking these days. Shame Ethan refused to eat most of it though!

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