No expense spared!

Something different happened this morning, We both went to the recreation centre, but for different reasons. I went to the gym. to lose a few pounds, hopefully  and J went to a Toy & Train Fair which was being held in the sports hall, where he  spent a few pounds definitely  He was still in the hall when I had finished, so I waited for him in the cafe. As he couldn't get everything he wanted, we then drove to Porthcawl, to go to the model shop. As I was walking up the road, I heard the church bells ringing.  I thought I would be able to get a few photos of the bridal party, but it was all very low key. The bride, and her father, got out of the car, and  the minister came out to greet them, so  I followed behind. I thought they would stop outside the church, for some photographs, but there was no photographer there at all, which I  thought was really odd. They went straight into the church, and the doors were closed quickly behind them. I could hear the  organist  playing the bridal march, and my mind flicked back all those years ago, when J & I walked down the aisle.  I love a wedding. I walked back to meet J, and we drove home. After lunch, I wrote most of my Christmas cards, so I am  very pleased with myself. I am looking forward to Strictly later, and then we have going to watch a dvd.  

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