Lancaster, evening

Two or three years ago, maybe more, we started doing some work with a company based in Lancaster. It wasn't the most successful of projects, to be honest. The one guy who really understood what was required was rarely available and the people we dealt with on a day to day basis either didn't know what needed doing (but, happily, were willing to admit it) or had ideas of their own, which was just disastrous.

Anyway, we finally finished the project, although I was never satisfied that it was all that it could or should have been, but the chap who did know what he was doing and I stayed in touch. I'm not sure how much we have in common but I really like him and we meet up for a beer every so often, which I always enjoy.

Tonight we met at The Borough in Lancaster, which is a good pub, actually, and it serves good food, too. He's just about to retire - although he doesn't want to stop work - and it was nice listening to his plans and what he's getting up to at the moment. I think I'd be the same as him; it'd nice to reach a stage where I felt that everything was in order and I could be free to do whatever I wanted. (I'm not quite there yet though!)

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