Birthday girl

Well, almost. It's Milly's 20th birthday tomorrow, but she's setting off in the morning to visit her mum, who's recently moved down to Lincolnshire, so we decided we'd have a birthday party, this evening. 

We opted for a takeaway curry from our fantastic Indian restaurant in Kirkby Lonsdale, and so Milly, her boyfriend, Evan, and I all went down to order and have a beer while we waited for the food to be prepared, and Abi and the Minx covertly popped out to Booths to get a birthday cake.

It was a lovely evening. Lots of laughs while we ate and Milly opened her presents. I'm not quite sure what's going on in this photo - I was too busy messing with the camera - but it was almost certainly a funnier moment that it might immediately appear; Milly and Abi can both be very deadpan and there's something about the chocolate on the end of Abi's nose that really tickles me. 

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