Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Street Corner Society

I was slow starting today. And slow finishing. And the bit in between was a bit slow as well. But as Ian Dury once famously said, it takes longer to get up North ... The slow way. Slow is slow. Although on one level it is the opposite of hard. As in hard means fast. Hard Brexit. About which I had a rant tonight, unapologetically. The whole thing has been a shabby sham, a travesty hiding behind the fiction of democratic ....

Sorry there I go again.

So we went to see The Yoga Mama, had a very late lunch (thanks to a signalling fault in the Clapham area) and I fell asleep on the settee and snored and got told off. Then we took the train down to Blackfriars and went to see The Radical Eye. Rather fab this. A bunch of well curated photos (apart from one bit at the end which was a bit of a lump of stuff on one wall). Some surprising ones. I never knew Norman Parkinson could be so interesting when he wasn't photographing fashion. And a fab little series of stars in a concrete corner, including Joe Louis, Noel Coward and Spencer Tracy. Really clever use of a tight space.

Love the newly extended Tate Modern. It is quite incredible since they added The Switch Room. Took this shot from the member's room on the eighth floor. Lots of good views from the TM these days. I liked this, it's part street shot part reflections in the window and some rather freaky light spill. I think Man Ray might have liked it. 

Came home in better time and chatted on the train with a Palestinian man from Portsmouth. You never know what you will find on the trains coming out of Waterloo these days. It is very diverse. Helped pass the time.

Feeling a bit inspired tonight. In a slow kind of way ....

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