Friday: Christmas Concert

I had an early start with a 0730 breakfast meeting. It was to hear Gordon Campbell, former Premier of British Columbia and, until recently, Canadian High Commissioner to the UK, give his views on Brexit. He was pretty candid, which, I suppose, he is able to be.

I also had a lunch out in which I was cornered into having fish and chips, against my will........I have so many lunches out that I tend to try and stick to salad but my lunch companion looked so distraught at the thought that I caved in. Actually, I didn't particular enjoy it as it was more than I'm used to eating at lunch these days but at least he looked happier.

We then finished the day in the company of V and E which is always a treat. We went to the Christmas Concert at St James Anglican Church, performed by the St James Music Academy. It's an annual excursion for V and E but it was our first time. The church covers the eastside and Strathcona, both areas which aren't exactly trouble-free. The Music Academy provides a space for children to come after school, free of charge, learn an instrument and be part of something bigger. It also keeps them from getting into things that wouldn't be good for them. It's a marvellous venture and the kids were great.

We rounded off the evening with some really delicious pizzas in a nearby restaurant. I haven't eaten pizza for over four years as it was always so utterly disappointing in Croatia but tonight's was truly delicious.....

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