Saturday: Fifth Avenue

We had a day of successful chores today.  Mostly.

Less successful was my trip to the local camera shop to see if I could get the zoom on my DSLR repaired.  The camera works but the zoom is completely unresponsive.  Anyway, they don't do repairs - they did give me the address of a place but they're only open on weekdays which isn't so convenient.

From there, we went and bought ourselves a very nice Christmas tree which is now standing and will be decorated tomorrow.  We also decided recently that our outdoor clothing was not commensurate with the heavy rainfall here so we are now in possession of much more suitable outerwear.

While out and about I spotted this car in an alley.  I love the older cars you see here as they are so unlike anything we have in Europe.  Even K., who is surprisingly good on cars, doesn't know many of them.

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