Second Advent Sunday

The travelling tea lights were arranged on my brother in laws window seat for this blip.  We amused ourselves at the new house this morning and met Pam our neighbour when she brought over a jar of lemon and grapefruit marmalade.  A lovely start.  The forester helped the brother in laws, brother in law to move a couch. I hope you're keeping up.  He is emptying his mothers house now she has gone into smaller accommodation. The end result was we bought her vertical freezer.  In the afternoon we went to Bunnings big hardware/garden place and bought a push mower for the pocket handkerchief lawn.  Also two gabion baskets as a trial.  The garden has a lot of river stones around shrubs.  I like to have soil to play in so we are going to see if we can fill the baskets with the stones and make garden seats with a large plank of wood on top. 
Finally we went for a paddle at Tahunanui beach.  A novelty for us former inland dwellers.

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