Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A day of cake,and a sit down..

I am very lucky that I don't often have problems with sleeping,but last night OHHH DEAR BABY SHREK it was awful !! 4am I was still lying awake... I even checked to see if Bernard P had done on of his very early blips....
So today this made me grouchy,well my mates will all laugh and ask how we know the difference .. ok then I was EXTRA grouchy.If you actually knew me you would realise I am a right misery who happens to play up to my audience....
anyway,after I sprang out of bed at 11am,Lucy and I made Welsh cakes which kept falling apart... then we made many fairy cakes and her and Eve decorated them and I was chief taste tester.... I had a lie down... Mr W arrived home from seeing customers and declared me more grumpy than ever and made me a cup of tea (he is saintly) ... he then made our evening meal...... and declared me grumpy...... so I have taken to my bed.

I have special visitors tomorrow... some blippers I have never met but am VERY excited to be doing so... but you shall see tomorrow who it is :D in my blip.. and I am going to make scones
(not out of the visitors) ...

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