
It was walkers day and what a reflective day it became.
It was a hot day but very early on I was complaining toThe Boss ‘Cos grass burrs were building up on my curls so he abandoned the walk and we went elsewhere where I gratefully got de-burred and he broke 2 finger nails in the process. I appreciate this more than you can imagine.

It was a very long day but the evening was the annual party forThe Boss’s photo group and I got a Christmas pressie which squeaks but proved to be non edible. Well it is a heap of fun meeting folk and some of themI had met before so that gets 9.9 on the greet scale and I single pawadly pulled a lounge chair across the room in my enthusiasm which did surprise a few folk there. 
AND The Boss got to do something this afternoon that he does not ever want to do again. 
He dialled 111 (NZ’s emergency number) on his phone. he was very impressed with the outcome but except to report that there was a completely happy ending I am not permitted to go into detail so I wont.

The day was a complete success but reflective is a grrreat summary.
Oh and thanks to our lovely model “H” for all the super smile lines and the fancy specs. 

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