A quick snap

.... at the start of a busy day. I was glad I had taken it as I reached late evening and didn't think I had one, until I remembered taking this. 

We started the day with a bit of early morning homework - not an ideal habit, but one that is unavoidable at the moment. She ate a huge breakfast and did some piano practise for her exam tomorrow. We decided to cycle to school and opened the door to a really beautiful ground frost. Very glad I had her bike serviced & winter tyres put on it! 

At school they spent the whole day doing the school pantomime. I picked her up and we had to cycle home sharpish as we had received messages during the day that we had to send the children's (proper) panto boxes today, not Wednesday as expected plus the requirement of extra items so we had to dash around sorting that. Her new satins haven't arrived so I had to take the ribbons off her competition ones and find somewhere to buy elastics - sounds simple but there's no full time dance shop in our town so we had to get into the city before the shop closed. 

We parked in Tesco after we'd been to the dance shop, ready for Katie's band concert. We were looking for a couple of tree decorations and some tea for her. Granny and Grandad were stood behind us! They had decided to join us for the concert. Katie wasn't able to stay for the whole concert, she had to leave before her band's final piece as she had to go straight to rehearsal. 

Tonight was the first night of it just being her red team - they split the rehearsals from Saturday evening. She didn't get home until 10.45 and was still wide awake. Her teacher dropped her off as I had BalletBaby here. She said the kids have had such a good time and worked really hard. Lots to take on board as this week is all about learning the scenes - the dances are all in the bag now, this is the acting, the times they're on set essentially as props and the bits of lines they all have etc. They do all their big dances in the first half but spend the whole of the second half on stage acting. As Katie got out the car, we had a few tears because the wicked step mother has to "push" her and her friend out of the way at one point, and she shouts as she goes past. She wasn't keen! As I was putting the baby in the car, Katie was in the bathroom getting her jammies on etc. I came in and she was asleep on the sofa, head in the cushions, bottom in the air. She drifted in  and out of sleep for the next half hour as she obviously had so much she wanted to tell me about- how she has to dress up as a dog (along with all the juvies) and the big girls have to be horses; that the real Shetland ponies were there for the first time today; how Zippy and George are at every rehearsal; about all her different costumes. She kept saying something, nodding off and waking back up again to say the next thing! 

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