Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A foggy day

In a complete contrast to the bright day we had yesterday, today it was very dull and foggy all day. I had a busy day, trying to get many things done before we leave tomorrow to go to South Africa. It was an unnecessary extra chore to have the car serviced and the MOT done but it had all been booked in some time ago so it was just one more thing on my list today! By poor planning both our cars need services and MOT's in December but now that is sorted and I can pay the vehicle tax now that the MOT has been carried out.

I dropped off some Christmas presents at friends today, got groceries in for the boys (quite a few pizza boxes in that trolley!) and now I am about to cook some food that can be frozen and eaten by them when we are away. I think I am all sorted - whew...breathe and relax. Just my packing left to do.

It was so grey all day it seemed right that this should be in mono - that fog hung around until about lunch time

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