
Facebook tells me it is 2 years ago since Mandela died. I don't know, but it set me off on thinking about the many years of hardship he endured, and a recent interview i read where John Simpson said in his job as a journalist he ceased to admire people once he'd met them, the exeption being Nelson Mandela. I'm channelling my Meancoast side and have unearthed this ticket. I can't believe I had £20 to spend on a concert then, but it was a wonderful day. We'd already been to the Amnesty Free South Africa concerts - this was Mandela's first overseas visit after his release, to thank Amnesty and Britain for their work. It was an emotional day, to actually see him there and hear him speak at Wembley.

Aside from the blip - - busy day in town taking back stuff and picking up skateboard kneepads for Ella's present, lost a glove, met a friend for lunch, saw the children, and went to a friend's for supper.

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