Result. Reward.

Woke at 5am and knew that was it for the day. Sometimes it's just not worth fighting it and today was one of those days. Not even Jane Garvey's dulcet tones could send me off again. Maybe it was the excitement of waking up to the news that baby Will had arrived to my friends Claire and Jasper, a little baby brother for Esme. I can't wait to meet him. Yeah, maybe that was it.

Some good meetings this morning and a wonderful time in school this afternoon. I love Fridays, they are my absolute favourite at the moment, mostly because of our fab school group. Two heartbreaks for our girls at school today though. The turbulent trials of being a teenager in love / out of love.

A delightful run after work (helped by prepping for dinner first, obvs). I don't know why but I am loving running at the moment (the dinner?!). A few PBs in the bag today which meant I had a reward of a brewdog. Happy, happy days! Have a great weekend one and all!

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