A Misty Moisty Morning*

Heads down, coats drawn about us, wishing we had remembered our gloves, we headed out this morning for one of the fastest walks in history. I paused briefly to take the only picture of the day of the hills receding up the canyon into the mist. Ozzie, being a Labrador, doesn't mind the rain, but we do, especially when he waits until we get just inside the front door to shake vigorously...

My Pilates teacher is collecting shoeboxes full of necessities and small toys for homeless children. I got carried away at Target and wound up with enough for two shoeboxes. As I organized my purchases, it occurred to me that there might not be so many boxes for boys, so I went back and started another one....

I also went back to the nursery where we got our Christmas tree to get ten feet of garland for the mantel. Unlike Ozzie, I can leave it in the garage for a day or two until it dries. It may take a couple of days because also unlike Ozzie, it can't shake itself.

It's looking like tonight we will either have to go out into the rain once more for dinner or stay home and cook our third Blue Apron meal this week featuring kale.... 

*Apologies to Mother Goose

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