It Doesn't Fit....

Much as I love my car, there are a number of things it won't do. It is not a pick up truck. We took Dana to the Red Barn, the store for  Oak Hill Farm at the foot of the Mayacamas  Mountains in Glen Ellen,  the same range that is behind our house. They grow beautiful flowers and greenery as well as produce and herbs using sustainable agricultural practices. It's a wonderful place to visit.Their retail shop is only open on Saturdays and we knew Dana would like it so we took her there this morning.

We didn't think she would buy the biggest wreath in the place. She plans to put it on a huge wall above the stairs as a permanent decoration. 

While she waited for Will to come fetch her with a bigger car, we came home and moved the Christmas tree from the living room to the television room. Even though we got a smaller tree this year, it just didn't fit in the living room. Moving it when it was already half decorated was no easy feat. No matter where we put it, we have to move something else to make way for it. Plus, it  already had my collection of birds' nests precariously perched on its pretty but distinctly drooping limbs. After moving it and reperching all the nests, and the birds in them,  I declared  it  fully decorated.... 

So much for keeping it simple....

I am grateful to everybody for keeping our family in your thoughts as the entire state seems to be burning. They are all managing to stay out of the path of the flames, while many in our neighborhood are turning their attention to thoughts of water tanks and generators. Not terribly festive....

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