Father Christmas

Poor old Mr J has caught my cold. We had a very lazy morning as we were both feeling a bit rubbish and the children played musical beds during the night. I woke up this morning to find P in bed with me, A was in P's bed and Mr J had already gone downstairs after being kicked out of our bed and failing to get back to sleep in A's bed!! I managed to sleep through it all!

Once were all up and ready to go, we drove over to my parents house for lunch. Homemade quiche with cheese and piccalilli pasties, yum. We then met up with my brother for a visit to Father Christmas organised by my dads work. They had created a fantastic little grotto and the FC was great. He spoke to each of the children in turn and they all chatted back comfortably. There was also some colouring and other activities to do in the hall including a cardboard play house that the children were encouraged to decorate. They all had a super time.

The presents are now under the tree at home. A great bargaining tool for good behaviour!

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