A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Wheely Good Fun

Tonight we went up to Málaga. First to wander around the hell that is Ikea, made more ghastly as it is a great social Mecca for the Spanish on a Saturday evening, never mind it being the penultimate Saturday before Crimble and everybody seemed to be buying flat-pack gifts for each other.

And second, but more importantly to me, to look at the magnificent display of Christmas lights.

You can park at the station near Ikea and get the train into Málaga centre and back for four euros.

Unless you don't manage to get a table for dinner until nearly eleven o'clock and the last train departs at 11:30.

Then it's a 20 euro taxi ride back to the car and you don't get home until after 1:30.

But it was really good fun and the city was just heaving and buzzing with life and Christmas cheer. 

And the lights were just wonderful too. See extra for an example.

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