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By pplnani

Wet and Miserable

..........the weather and poor Phoebe, the pheasant, who crouched under a bush, all fluffed up and trying to keep warm and dry.

I've not been out today except to pick hubby up from the garage where his car has gone in for exploratory has developed a noise ( like a metallic rattle) that only happens over bumps ( we suspect something somewhere is working loose). It has been there for a while and when the car went in for a service a couple of months ago the mechanics had a good look round and couldn't locate the source and said it was save to drive.
It hasn't really got much worse but it is distracting and the car needed the bonnet catch alarm attending to, as it keeps saying the bonnet is unlatched when it isn't, so we asked them to dig a little deeper to find the cause of the rattle............I guess it's giving them a few headaches as it's now gone 4.30pm and we've heard nothing yet ................I'm just hoping ( rather optimistically foolishly ) that no news is good news :-)  


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