
Darkness at both ends of the day makes it almost impossible to get a blip on the days I am working ( thank goodness I break up on Friday!)
So, I have decided to bring you some of my treasures instead .
This Stag and little white Rabbit are family heirlooms (well they are to me) the rabbit probably came from a penny store, but it has been in the family since the 30's and is priceless to me as my Great Aunty (who was like a Mum to me) gave it to me. The Stag on the other hand was on my Grandmother's wedding cake, and is made of blown glass and very fragile. My Grandmother died when my Mum was 4, so I never met her and her White Stag is very precious to me.
I only hope my daughters will love and care for these treasures in the same way I have.

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