
The weather App on The Boss’s iPhone had bad things to say today but often it gets it wrong in our town ‘Cos of all the mountains and dogs. Dogs?  well we chase the wethers (sheep) and things change. Right? Hmmm…
Anyway The Boss got all motivated to finish trimming our hedge and was then faced with disposing of said trimmings so they got loaded into a couple of bins and we all went to the dump (green waste).  I stay in NuSuzz and watch ‘Cos I worry that someone might want to recycle my curls.

The wind had been steadily rising and on the way back this was the view so our timing was impeccable, (new word…something to do with chickens?) we thought, and The Boss was faced with choices of just standing outside for a bit or using the bathroom for a shower.  
An hour later however, nothing further had in fact happened… 
Told ya!


Pawscript….But it might!

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