Thank goodness for .....

...... the sun rise (7.30am ) cos'i needed an emergency blip.
I've been running here and there it seems today, or at least this morning, Dr's appointment at 9.15 , then P. O. then the bakers to get fresh bread and home to make a snack ( festive type ) lunch!
I had Rosemary's daughter visit today, we don't see each other so much since her mum has been in the home. But we still keep in touch via the phone. It was really good to have a catch up . She made a special journey of 40 miles to see me, so kind of her.
I suppose I must tell you our lunch was of sandwiches of smoked salmon and cream cheese, roast beef and horseradish sauce ( l know both were her favourites ) cheese and biscuits, well you have to add them don't you?, and sherry trifle , a tipple of Prosecco and REALLY coffee ( I do like a good cuppa ). So I recon I won't need to eat for a week now!!
I've written to my friends elderly sister to fine out her new phone no. and see if she's heard if E is ok ! If not at least I've alerted them of concern too!

Happy ..... when hopefully I'll hear tomorrow re E !!

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