Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO

Spoilt for choice

A wonderful day. Didn't start off too well as I had to get up very early to get to Imperial by 9am, but I was still late (so cross and flustered).
Glad I decided to stay over as I got a lovely hotel room through
Today's conference ended with a brilliant talk by 'Queen Elizabeth' (aka Lesley Smith, historian), followed by a wander and tube train to Embankment where I met the boys and Lizzy for a lovely meal at Cafe Rouge.
All I had to do at the end of the day was a short underground trip to South Ken and my lovely bed.
Took loads of photos hence a difficult choice. This is the Natural History Museum which is just round the corner from where I'm staying. It's a beautiful building and shows the lovely sunshine, which always seems to come out when I visit my lovely boys :-)

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