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I had a couple of surprise encounters today, one nice, one nasty. The first was a very unpleasant one with a rat, whom I surprised rummaging for nesting materials in a bag in the allotment shed. (There was some old fleece in there I think). I abused it loudly and it shot off before I had time to get the camera out. Pah.

The sparrows seemed very pleased to see me and a re-up of the seed feeder. Then the starlings arrived and monopolised both the feeder and the suet cake; cue black affronted sparrows.

Then I went up to the top of the Walk to do a bit of food shopping and had just come out of the fish shop when I was hailed by the legendary Mr Smith who was just coming out of Realfoods opposite. We met on the wee traffic island in the centre of Broughton St for a brief blip-chat - he was on his way to meet up with the Scottish Beekeepers. V good to see you again, Mr Smith!

And a lovely bit of cod for tea, so it was.

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