Through Time & Space
Father Christmas
Through time and space, he'll travel,
every Christmas Eve,
sleigh-reins in his warm-gloved hand
and magic up his sleeve.
Down chimneys he will struggle
and claim mince pies and sherry,
and carrots for his reindeer -
no wonder he's so merry!
When all is done, he'll disappear
through some ethereal hole
in time and space beyond our world,
but labelled The North Pole.
© Celia Warren 2016
The image is my entry for Abstract Thursday with a 'dots' theme. It began as several photos of fibre optic colour-changing strands. Then I faffed with arty effects, using, first, Photoshop, then U-Lead. I did think of calling it The Big Bang. It looks a bit like a star - or something - exploding. Anyway, it was fun playing while I stopped for a coffee. And it inspired a new, seasonal ditty. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AA77.
Miserable day again - wet and grey. But I've done the ironing while catching up on some old recorded TV progs. Yup - it's all multi-tasking today! Hope you're having a good day whatever you're up to.
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