Poser Pup
This kid has been a machine today. She got up and made her breakfast, had a bath, we did her hair and packed her bags then she spent a very happy time at the piano. She's learning some new pieces, including hedwigs theme, We wish you a Merry Christmas and Fur Elise (that's mine, but she saw it on the piano and decided to play it).
Day off school today but she's worked much harder than if she were at school. Double show day. It was the best day of schools performances that there has been.
The first was on the smaller side but enthusiastic, the second was great. It was the production's first triple show day but the juvs are only allowed (and capable of) do two a day. Our staff have relaxed backstage photo rules as we've got settled into the run and got to know the incredible nice and friendly cast, plus we've got to slick in the quick changes etc. So today the kids have had pictures with Postman Pat, with Cinderella & Charming. This one is their doggy costume when they have to run across for the hunt which is apparently traditional in panto Cinderella.
Despite a double show, the two reds in Katie's team in her class were expected to go on to class and in fact did a double exam class. I spent two and half hours driving children and teens round different places. When I landed back to class, katie and her fellow Red were looking absolutely crackered. But they needed to be running the exam work even if it wasn't well danced.
I expected her to fall straight to sleep but she was really hungry and quite wired despite the tiredness so we bought some ready to eat food in the supermarket and went into a couple of shops to get a few bits of her Christmas shopping. It did the trick of distracting her brain a bit and when we got in at 8 she managed to settle quite quickly. She's doing so well- the other girl her age in the team had a sleep in between the two shows. Katie's Duracell batteries have been relentless!
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