Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Give me strength....

One of those days that had me looking up to the skies, and saying "give me strength", to whatever deities might be listening... None of which I believe in.

I doubt whatever deities may have heard will give me the strength of the statue in this photo... She's awfully... Butch.... And stands 10ft tall... And doesn't wear a bra.
But that's besides the point. She's a warrior.

I may not be fighting bloody battles, but I am fighting several very emotional inner battles. It's enough to make most people cave in. I am no stranger to upheaval, but there is always a time when I think to myself "I am close to breaking". That's where I am at today.

Not made easier by my darling son and his BFF - I had to babysit after school, and, the two of them are always in sync, which is usually just an overdose of vitamin cute. This afternoon though, they were littile monsters. I wanted to tear my hair out.

And fittingly, the drop off point to return Little Miss Monster to her mum was next to this statue.

Now to try and bribe my Little Mister Monster into being the darling portrayed in yesterday, last Friday and last Wednesday's blips.

Give me strength.

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