Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Mood reflective weather.

If you're not from Melbourne, you've probably heard that we have four seasons in one day.... For a few hours, we had all four going at the same time, followed by very sinister, dark skies and thunder.

I have not edited this photo.
For those who understand photo jargon.
f/stop: 5.6
Exposure time: 1/80
ISO: 3200
I took this photo well before 5pm when all the lights automatically go on.

I thought it was fitting, given the sort of day I had, where the highlight was the following conversation with an OB/GYN on a routine follow up appointment, requested by my GP after a particularly devastating miscarriage four weeks ago...
Gyn: If that's uncomfortable, you'll never have sex, and no kids.
Me: There's a difference between sex, and having a layer of my cervix removed. I also already have a child.
Gyn: You adopted?
Me: No. Gave birth the old fashioned way.
Gyn: There's no way. I see no proof of that. So, if you already have a family, why are you here? You have a healthy vagina, and you can conceive. You're wasting my time, when I could be helping a woman who really wants to fall pregnant.
Me: Please remove things from my vagina. I need to leave. You didn't even take a moment to read the referral from my doctor.
Gyn: ..... Well, I am very busy you know...... Nice tattoo, by the way....

Yes. That really was the 'best' part of my day.

The storm is soothing my mood now, though.

Tomorrow's another day.

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