Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

A mystery... Today I got this letter in my mail box. My name, my address... But she wrote to say thank you to the card I'd sent her earlier, during the summer and said sorry for not saying thank you until now, and I thought... 'I did what??' I know I have a bad, very bad, memory, but I have no memory at all that I'd sent a card to a woman with this name... I kept reading and she was complaining about work and that this finally got a solution when her boss left. She also wrote that now when she's spending more time in the same town as 'me', because her boyfriend lives here, she wants to meet up for a fika (coffee and cake at a café) and talk. She told 'me' about her photography and wondered about if I still took many photos, and I thought 'Who is this person? Have I really forgotten...??' Then she continued writing that she thought I'd taken a lot of photos on 'your bike trip' last summer, and I thought 'Oh, wow, not me!! Yes! I don't have a bad memory!!'. I feel a bit bad, because the person she wrote to will never get this... There's only me with my full name in the town I live, otherwise I could've sent it to the next 'Anna'... but now...were is she? If this woman had written her name and address on the back of the envelope I could've sent it back to her. I have no idea what to do... 

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