Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

So, I'm almost in faze with everything I want to do before Thursday. Almost... But, there're still some hours left on this day. :) Today I made caramel candy for Christmas. Candy without refined sugar. The sweetness comes from dates and raisins, and some from dark chocolate with 70% cacao. I've put everything in the fridge to cool and solidify, but there was some leftover caramel in the mixer and that tasted very good! Mum is getting pralines (if all goes well... :D ) with different truffles covered with white chocolate, so I wanted something sweet for myself. Not fond of which chocolate at all. 
Tomorrow I'll be alone with the students the whole day. It will be a challenge since we are usually two teachers in the sewing class and I'm more of a student in the ceramics class. Keep your fingers crossed, please!

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