Wherever next?

By aime

Sir Hugh's favourite

Beinn Sgritheall.
9.45  Left car
10.05 Stalkers Hut
10.25 Lochan Beallach Rarsaidh
11.40 Summit
11.50 Left summit
13.20 Stalkers Hut
13.40  Back at car
Bill's first time at the top. Margie's 16th time and my 30th.
The end of an 11 day December break in Glenelg with Lyons, Openshaws, Hallidays, Wellman and Marshalls sharing the middle weekend with us. The house was quieter when they left, but Duncan MacVicar joined us to tile the fireplace in the Sunroom. He came on 13th Dec.which was a pity because it  was a perfect day for a December hill walk -  crisp and clear with stunning views and dry underfoot - but we had to be with him to make those all too important decisions about tile patterns... so Sgritheall was out of the question. The next day was as wet as Glenelg can get so we were pleased to wake up today to find it dry if some what windy.
There was cloud on the summit but no snow, so the crampons and ice axes were left behind. We brought Bill for his first taste of Munro bashing, and set of before Duncan had appeared (he lives in Drumbuie and tends to appear about 9.30am). Strong winds from the South East with occasional rain slowed our ascent at times, but it was the treacherous wet rocks on the descent that prevented us breaking the 3 and a half hour barrier. Bill coped admirably though had to be coaxed/carried over the tricky “Bad step” in both directions. He enjoyed playing in the wind and found several sticks to play with when he got bored with our company. The top cleared for our descent, but the best views were to the north over sun drenched Skye and Sandaig Islands and over the white crests of waves above turquoise seas down the Sound of Sleat.

By 14.15 we were enjoying Carrot and Coriander soup in the Way Out West Café in the village hall and catching up with Kate and Iona’s exploits since we had left them in Carnoustie just over a week ago. 

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