Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Wednesday --Road Trip on Mr. Fun's Birthday

This road trip provides days of anticipation and then finally the day arrives. We thoroughly enjoy the drive, and especially after the first 70 minutes or so, when we have reached the other side of Los Angeles, the northwest side.

Our total driving time today from one front door to the other was just under 4 hours.

The road signs cause conversation and delight. When we finally reach "our" offramp, we still get goosebumps. Why? Because we can hardly believe we own a piece of this little town, this place we've loved for years.

At the end of the offramp, we turn left, drive under the freeway bridge, and immediately turn right to climb the hill on the south-end of our street. At the top of the hill, we see over the entire little town and even see the pier protruding out into the water way off in the distance.

Then the downslope of our street is gradual, each side of the street is dotted with houses, some little shacks and most very nice homes. Then we pass Judge Coyle's house, and there it is -- our "Lavender Lady" appears.

An explosion of barking erupts in the backseat as the three pups realize where we are and it's time to exit the car. Hooray, we have arrived!

Once we are up the stairs and inside, I open all the accordian window shades and there, there toward the south I see Morro Rock, mysterious looking with veils of clouds.

Now to unpack the car and settle in for a two month holiday, a time to refuel, a time to relax.

And that is the story for today AND oh yeah, it's Mr. Fun's birthday!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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